IN pursuit OF the perfect safety shoe
We believe in everyone’s right to a safe working environment and to maintain a healthy body throughout the working life and also afterwards. We have been creating shoes since 1839, and still today we strive to protect hard-working feet. Our design philosophy is quite simple: your feet should never be left to chance or be underestimated. That is why we develop our safety and professional shoes in close collaboration with end-users and with focus on quality, safety and function.
When we develop our shoes, we blend high-technology with pure biology: craftmanship combined with knowledge of the natural movements of the human body. All to find the best solutions that protect hard-working feet. We develop, test and manufacture our shoes in our own shoe factory, this allows us to properly test and evaluate a new product before launching it to the market.

our DNA
You know when you wear Arbesko, and when you don't. Hard-working feet should never be left to chance or be underestimated. When walking normally, the foot is subjected to a load 1.5 – 3 times the weight of the body in each step. A properly constructed shoe is therefore incredibly important. A fact we shoemakers have understood since 1839. We pay particular attention to a number of vital points in our safety and occupational footwear models. The result is high quality – and ergonomically correct shoes with excellent stability, a good fit and a reliable life span. Shoes that offer your feet the right support every step of the way.
The insole has an integrated shock-absorbing surface - as close to the foot as possible - which reduces the load on the foot's pedal pad. The back of the sole has raised edges which gives extra stability for the heel.
The upper is stretched (lasted) and carefully attached underneath the insole, approx. 16 mm in. A method that is also used in the manufacture of handmade Italian shoes. This method ensures that the upper material doesn't stretch with wear, and the shoe retain its fit and stability.
The heel cap is moulded and anatomically rounded to follow the heel's rounded shape and moulded in a strong material to maintain a superb fit, be sturdy and grip the heel perfectly.
The insole follows the natural curve of the foot and gives the foot natural and comfortable support throughout the lifespan of the shoe.
The shank is placed beneath the insole to give the foot arch necessary and comfortable support. It contributes to a torsion resistant, sturdy shoe that bends only where the foot bends.
Pain in the heel is a common problem worldwide. That is why we equip our shoes with an extra heel cushion that we place in the midsole. It has maximum shock absorption capacity and gives a really nice feeling of sprung in the step.