Meet our users
Every day our shoes protect hard-working feet. Users differ in many ways, but they have one thing in common: they want to give their feet the best protection combined with the best comfort. You can meet some of them here.
Umeå does the job in northern Öland
Good, correct equipment is important in all professions. And the right footwear is often one of the most important factors. Especially for joiners who are constantly on the move, both high up and low down. Ola Karlsson, a joiner in northern Öland for the past 20 years, is one of the people who makes sure that he always uses good, correct products. He is fully booked for the next 1.5 years and basically, if he’s to keep to his tight schedule, he mustn’t fall ill. And one of the keys to being able to work a lot is to wear the right shoes on your feet.

Glowing steel places extremely high demands on safety shoes
Every day, the blacksmith Fredrik Spåre works in an environment where he relies on extreme heat, which also puts him at risk. We at Arbesko are proud that our Oxelösund safety shoe can provide his feet with the best protection, so that he can focus on his craft.

Boliden Bergsöe chooses Arbesko’s Oxelösund range to protect against liquid metal
Matthias Jönsson has been working at Boliden Bergsöe in Landskrona for nine years. A normal working day means several hours by the shaft furnace, where spent lead batteries are melted down and recycled. Splashes and sparks from the furnace reach heat levels of 1,200 degrees, and it’s incredibly important to wear protective footwear that withstands this heat.